Our new normal has been wearing masks to prevent the spread of Covid 19. This is a good thing and definitely helps save lives! But a very new and real reality of this is that many of us are getting acne type breakouts around the areas of where the mask lays on...
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Lately a lot of people have asked me what type of soap is best in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. In this article, we dispel myths and misconceptions about what type of soap is best to fight infection.
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Discover the vital role of soft and moisturized skin in preventing infections. Learn how maintaining proper skin hydration and moisture levels strengthens the skin's protective barrier, effectively warding off harmful pathogens and reducing the risk of infections. Explore the benefits of moisturized skin for overall skin health and infection prevention.
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Hand washing. Using soap and water is the best way to clean our hands of germs, bacteria and viruses. Soap really makes a difference because it has something called surfactants in it that break down and lift out soil and micrcrobes from the skin. Also when people use soap they tend to...
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Hand sanitizers These are gels that contain alcohol that can help kill germs present on the skin. This will help prevent getting sick or spreading germs to others. The alcohol will work immediately at 70% or greater in quantity. You want to make sure it is ethyl alcohol or isopropyl alcohol in your...
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